
Friday, September 18, 2020

Healthy Habits for an Active Lifestyle


We continually hear about the importance of leading a better and healthier lifestyle, but we don't know how to do it and we don't know why. The truth is, there is no secret formula for living better or longer, but there are methods that help people maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To achieve a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to take into account health in a holistic way, since this way you will enjoy a fuller existence. Taking care of yourself and avoiding bad habits is the key to preventing diseases, as well as certain conditions that people often suffer from.

Below, independent researcher and structural biologist Douglas Rosenthal shares some guidelines that you can apply to improve your lifestyle.

Eat a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet is the key factor in starting a healthy life. Meals should contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fruits and vegetables. Avoid consuming junk food, soda, alcohol, sweets, fats, among other foods that do not contribute positively to our body.

Stay active

Another key factor is exercise. It is not necessary to perform long and hard routines in the gym to keep our body in good condition. Taking short walks, biking, yoga, or jogging for at least half an hour a day is enough to contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Control your weight and cholesterol levels

Adequate control of your weight is essential. Being overweight is the main cause of heart disease and serious conditions. Remember to also control your cholesterol levels, since having levels higher than adequate could lead to a heart attack.

Rest well

Remember that our body needs to sleep and rest after long hours. Douglas Rosenthal recommends to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day. If it is not possible to complete the recommended sleep cycle, take short naps, which will help your body recharge.

Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol excessively is harmful to our health. It directly affects important organs such as our liver, lungs and heart. Likewise, it is advisable to avoid going to places contaminated by cigarette smoke. Many experts say it could do worse harm than smoking.

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